Taipei City, Taiwan

Situated on the northern coast of Taiwan, Taipei City is the capital of the Republic of China. With a population of nearly 3 million people, Taipei is the political, economic and cultural center of Taiwan.

Taipei was founded in the 18th century and has been the center of government for China during various periods. Following World War II, Chiang Kai-shek lead his nationalist forces to Taiwan after suffering defeat at the hands of the communists in China’s civil war. Today, Taiwan has a democratically elected national government.

To reach this viewpoint where I took this picture, we had to hike some pretty steep steps. It was a good workout, and worth it. Taipei is a beautiful, clean and stunningly beautiful city.

Taipei, Taiwan
Formerly known as the Taipei World Financial Center, Taipei 101 was the world’s tallest building until 2010 when a taller building opened in Dubai.

Chaing Kai-shek Memorial Hall, Taipei, Taiwan

Two sets of stairs, each with 89 steps representing Chaing Kai-shek’s age when he died, lead to the main entrance of the Memorial Hall. Rising 289 feet above ground and covered in glazed tile, the structure and surrounding flower beds represent the colors of the flag of the Republic of China.

Chaing Kai-shek retreated from China to Taiwan with his army in 1946 following defeat at the hands of the Communists. He had been ruling China for nearly twenty-two years. After arriving in Taiwan, he served as President of the Republic of Taiwan until his death in 1975. During the period of his rule, he continued to develop plans to retake mainland China from the Communists. Following his death, the Memorial Hall was erected in his honor and has become a natural gathering place, landmark and tourist attraction. If you visit Taiwan, don’t miss it. I was impressed.

Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall
Erected in honor of former President of the Republic of China, Chaing Kai-shek, the Chaing Kai-shek Memorial Hall is a famous monument, landmark and tourist attraction in Taipei, Taiwan.

Web Series Episode 3, Executive Privilege: Escape


Here is the script for the third episode of our web-series, Executive Privilege. This episode is titled, “Escape”.

John West, Navy Seal Commander, head of security for Camp David is framed by the President for murdering the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Events happen in real time.

Please read and make comments. We will try and incorporate your comments in the direction of the story.

And, if you’re interested in working in, or on, or helping produce, contact me. We’ll be launching our kickstarter campaign soon.

Episode Script: Executive Privilege_Ep3.01

Because I am traveling so much, it is taking longer than I hoped to get things launched. It always takes longer than you hope, anyway. I return from travel in March and we will get serious–really serious–about kickstarter, casting and production. Stay tuned.

In case you want to catch up on previous episodes:

Executive Privilege Episode 2: Deception

Executive Privilege Episode 1

A Taste of Australia

Whirl-wind tour. 

Gold Coast. I want to feel the sand and surf before I die.

Brisbane. The Brisbane River snaking through the city leaves the marks of flood waters on the stone foundations of downtown high-rises.

An Aboriginal street performer plays a didgeridoo concert for some coins; the deep, rich, mysterious, mournful sound vibrating my bones. After playing, he tells us the story of how his father, European, fell in love with his Aboriginal mother deep in the bush.

Driving away, a Kangaroo stands and stares at us, watching us go with sad eyes.  Why are you leaving?

From Kangaroo Point, the spectacular setting sun gives way, too soon, to the sparkling stars of the Southern Cross. I’m far from home and longing to see my family.

The good news, for me, is that spending such a short time down under means that I will go back. I must.

Sunset on Aotearoa

No matter how much I want it to last, the day always comes to an end. I try to make it last. I try to hold it in my hands. I try to capture the moment, to remember the brilliance, to savor the beauty. No such luck–but wait–my camera…

Leaving New Zealand I couldn’t resist the sunset. Perhaps, the HDR shots are a little much; however, the actual brilliance was indescribable. Would I go back to New Zealand? Will I go back? In a Kiwi second.

Aotearoa, the Land of the Long White Cloud

The traditional Maori name for New Zealand is Aotearoa, or “Land of the Long White Cloud.”  Ocean currents, weather patterns and South Pacific moisture combine for spectacular cloud formations which brood above the mountains, valleys and fjords, of New Zealand and bear witness to the truth of the ancient Maori name.

With the brilliant clouds and sparkling waters, New Zealanders love to sail. Auckland, New Zealand is known as ‘the city of sails’. Some reports boast that there are more boats per capita in New Zealand than anywhere else in the world.  Check any international yachting crew and you’ll probably find a New Zealander.

From my perspective, I could feel pleasant breezes, blue water and plenty of sunshine. Now that I’ve been there, If I had to choose, I’d rather be sailing–in New Zealand.

Web-Series Episode 2, Executive Privilege: Deception

Ep2_2_screenplay captureHere is the script for the second episode of our web-series, Executive Privilege. This episode is titled, “Deception”.

John West, Navy Seal Commander, head of security for Camp David is framed by the President for murdering the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Events happen in real time.

Please read and make comments. We will try and incorporate your comments in the direction of the story.

And, if you’re interested in working in, or on, or helping produce, contact me. We’ll be launching our kickstarter campaign soon.

Episode Script: Executive Privilege Episode 2: Deception

In case you want to catch up:

Executive Privilege Episode 1

New Zealand, Not Far From Paradise

If it looks idyllic, that could be because it is. Not too hot. Not too cold. Clear air. Friendly people. Thriving economy. And, incredible scenery.

Talking with the locals in Auckland and Wellington the apocryphal claims went something like this:

“There are more sheep in New Zealand than people.”
“There are more boats in New Zealand than people.”
“The Garden of Eden was actually in New Zealand.”

I couldn’t verify any of these claims; although, I hope to return to New Zealand in search of the Garden of Eden. In any case, I hope to return to New Zealand to explore more of ‘Middle Earth’. Thanks to Peter Jackson, the world has enjoyed the striking beauty of a pristine southwestern Pacific island paradise.

Auckland Volcanic Field
Many of New Zealand’s lakes, lagoons and islands are the result of the many volcanoes formed by the Auckland Volcanic Field.

Wellington, New Zealand Lighthouse

It was a blustery day when we arrived in Wellington, New Zealand. As usual, we only had a short time to shoot b-roll for our documentary assignment. However, we knew we were close to Weta Studios. You can’t, you just can’t come to Middle Earth and not stop by Weta. By the time we got there, the studio was closed. No tours available. But, the light was right, the scenery was incredible and this lighthouse led the way.

Near the entrance to Wellington harbor, this rusty lighthouse warns wandering sailors away from perilous rocks.